Starwood: All My Friends are Going to Be Strangers

To quote one of my favorite authors, Larry McMurtry, from one of his best-loved novels, All My Friends Are Going to be Strangers, I could think of no better way to sum up my feelings on the Starwood Marriott merger that closed this week. It's the end of an era where one day SPG will sunset, and perhaps, some brands we've come to know and love as well.

It's conceivable The Luxury Collection, with such iconic properties as The Gritti Palace in Venice or The Phoenician in Scottsdale, may fold into Autograph Collection which binds together Marriott's non-branded hotels. Here is a great article from Skift that highlights possible maneuvers to better assimilate the thirty brands than comprise to the two brands.

However, this blog is really a swan song because, I so cherish the memories of the team I have come to know and love, and that have gone above and beyond to serve our clients. The Starwood management team has truly been a partner in our business, and to me personally, with the great honor of serving on their advisory board for the past four years. The dedication of the Starwood team has left an indelible memory on me and so many of our clients. Chris Austin, John Mannion, Chris Roberson, Jim Petrus, Hoyt Harper, Sara Bisa, you continue to amaze us with your dedication and inspire us to raise the bar for our clients.

From all of us at Camelback Odyssey Travel, we so look forward to working with you in the future while continuing to create exceptional experiences for our clients.
